Shane and Cal Wenzel Share What’s New at Shane Homes in Bi-Annual Company Meeting – Part II

Shane Homes April 21, 2016

Years of Service Awards

Shane Homes rewards years of service at 3 years, 6 years, 10 years, and 20 years with a choice of gifts for our staff to select from.  We also reward them every 2 years after they celebrate their 10 year anniversary with a small gift.  Congratulations to each of our recipients and thank you for your commitment, dedication and hard work!  Presented by Shane and Cal Wenzel.

3 years of service award: Cheryl and Paul Dobos

Cheryl is Sales Associate in Hillcrest in Airdrie.  Paul is in charge of our Showhomes, Sales Centres and Head Office Maintenance.

6 Years of Service: Glenn

Glenn is an Intermediate Estimator

10 Years of Service: Brenda and Mohamad

Brenda is Marketing Team Lead.  Mohamad is Construction Assistant in NW Calgary.

12 Years of Service: Corinne

Corinne is our Receptionist Extraordinaire

14 Years of Service from left: Brenda, Damon, and Gae

Brenda is Marketing, Sales and Social Media Associate (and Blog author);  Gae is Cost Control Estimator – Tile Purchasing;  Damon is Team Lead Drafting.

20 Years of Service: Daryl

Daryl is our Safety Officer

24 Years of Service from left: Gerry, Dwain, Don

Gerry is a Home Service Technician;  Dwain is Purchasing and Cost Control Manager;  Don is Production and Construction Manager.

26 Years of Service: Duane

Duane is a Project Manager in Nolan Hill in NW Calgary.

28 Years of Service: Ron

Ron is Director of Special Projects and next to Cal Wenzel, our longest term employee

And lastly,

At the company meeting our VP of Finance does a fun contest.  This year the question was:  At Shane Homes, in total, in the office and out in the field, how many computer monitors do we own?  Email your guess to [email protected] if you would like to try your luck on the right answer.

Did you miss Part I of the blog?  View our Blog Archives to read it.

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